Monday, October 19, 2015

C# code to get numbers after decimal point

int decimalPoints=BitConverter.GetBytes(Decimal.GetBits(value)[3])[2];

Saturday, October 10, 2015

How do you force authors or template stylists to force add a control

How do you force authors or template stylists to force add a control
Solution- Provides template authors the information that these parts are required for styling this control -more like a contract

[TemplatePart [Name=TextBlockPart, Type =typeof(TextBlock)))

public class MyControl : Control

private const string TextBlockPart as PART_TextBlock;

TextBlock textblock;

protected TextBlock Textßlock

get { return textblock;}
if (textßlock is null)


textblock.Textlnput-= new TextCompositionEventHendler(textblockTextlnput)


Access TemplatedElements in CustomControl

How to access TemplatedElements in CustomControl?
Override OnApplyTemplate in the .cs file. Its called everytime a template is applied to a control

public override void OnApplyTenplate()

var textblock= GetTemplateChild("Name Of Part") as TextBlock;


How to get two way binding with Template Binding in WPF

Template Binding by default doesnt support Two Way binding.
If you still need to have it, here's the workaround:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Text, RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}"/>